On 24th of April 1990, Hubble space telescope was launched in lower earth orbit by NASA. since then, Hubble telescope is working for last 31 years. In those years, telescope has captured more than 1.5 million observations of distant objects.

On 13th June Hubble Space Telescope stopped working. The main computer stops receiving the ‘keep-alive’ signal. This signal is indication of all is well going on with payload and spacecraft. The payload computer is used to control and coordinate scientific instruments on the spacecraft. On 16th June Nasa thought that, the problem is related to payload computer and its degrading memory module. So, they tried backup memory module and restart the payload computer. But nothing happens.
On 22nd June after several test, Nasa’s team come on the conclusion that, the problem is related to the computer hardware. They run diagnostic test on payload computer. The spacecraft has two payload computers. One for use and other for backup.
On 23th June, they decided to turn on back up payload computer. But backup payload computer also showed the same errors, in same hardware. It suggests that problem is more serious. This backup payload computer was installed in year 2009, since then computer has not been powered on.
Now Nasa is planning to turn on backup hardware on Hubble space telescope. According to Nasa, “The source of the computer problem lies in the Science Instrument Command and Data Handling (SI C&DH) unit, where the payload computer resides. A few hardware pieces on the SI C&DH could be the culprits”.

In past, Hubble telescope suffers some major problems. For service Nasa sent space shuttle for five times in orbit. In 1990, after its launched scientist noticed that the images taken by Hubble telescope is not that sharper. The problem is related to mirror. To solve this, Nasa sent astronaut names ‘Hoffman’ and ‘Musgrave’ into orbit. These astronauts put ‘COSTER’ system onto the telescope. After this addition, Hubble space telescope start capturing images sharply.
It’s good news if Nasa could fix the problems from ground. If not, then other option is to send astronauts into the orbit with necessary instruments. But space shuttle was retired in 2011. So, the traditional repair mission is not possible. If Nasa thought repair mission is needed, then it would require specially designed spacecraft like space shuttle. Such kind of mission would take so many years to plan and also it would be costly.
Hubble Space Telescope have been in service from last 31 years. Even though James Webb Telescope is the successive of Hubble telescope. Demises of this telescope would be the great loss to the modern astronomy. Finger cross! Let’s hope for the best.