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Patterns in the sky


    Taurus is one the 12 signs of the zodiac. Taurus is also known as ‘Bull’ across numerous ancient Civilization including the Mesopotamians, Egyptians and of course Greeks. It is an ancient constellation dating back to… Read More »Taurus


      Scorpius is southern hemisphere constellation. It is one of the brightest constellations of the zodiac. The 1st magnitude red giant star Antares is part of the constellation. Due to this, one can easily spot Scorpius… Read More »Scorpius


        Orion is very popular constellation. Specially, for folks who are doing their 1st stargazing session. It is brightest constellation. Orion contain three brightest stars; therefore, it is clearly visible in night sky. It having three… Read More »Orion


          We all are little bit familiar with night sky. The astronomical phenomena like Lunar eclipse, meteor showers are our favorites things to watch at dark night. The night sky is full of stars. If we… Read More »Constellations