Scorpius is southern hemisphere constellation. It is one of the brightest constellations of the zodiac. The 1st magnitude red giant…
5 November Uranus at opposition Uranus will lie opposite to the sun in the sky. We will able to find…
5 October October camelopardalid meteor shower The October camelopardalid meteor shower will be active from 5 October to 6 October.…
1 September Aurigid Meteor shower The Aurigid meteor shower will be active from 28th of august to 5th of September.…
1 Aug Mercury at superior solar conjunction Planet mercury will pass close to the sun. During this closest approach, mercury…
On 24th of April 1990, Hubble space telescope was launched in lower earth orbit by NASA. since then, Hubble telescope…
3 July Close approach of Venus and M44 M44 is open cluster. It is also known as Beehive cluster. The…
1 June Conjunction of moon and Jupiter, close approach of moon and Jupiter The moon and Jupiter will be in…
4 May Close approach of the moon and Saturn The moon and Saturn will make a close approach. They are…
Orion is very popular constellation. Specially, for folks who are doing their 1st stargazing session. It is brightest constellation. Orion…