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Women Pioneers in Space

    Introduction For centuries, women have looked to the cosmos with curiosity and determination, striving to unlock its secrets. In spite of numerous obstacles, they have contributed to our knowledge of the universe and have been instrumental in space exploration. From ancient astronomers who carefully charted the universe to astronauts who have traveled outside our world, their… Read More »Women Pioneers in Space

    The International Space Station: Humanity’s Home Among the Stars

      Long ago, humans could do nothing but dream about going to space. They would gaze up at the sparkling stars, wondering what existed beyond the endless sky. But as technology improved, rockets took astronauts past Earth’s atmosphere, and new doors opened. Among them was a daring notion, what if countries could put aside their rivalries and cooperate… Read More »The International Space Station: Humanity’s Home Among the Stars


        Taurus is one the 12 signs of the zodiac. Taurus is also known as ‘Bull’ across numerous ancient Civilization including the Mesopotamians, Egyptians and of course Greeks. It is an ancient constellation dating back to… Read More »Taurus