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Astronomical Events-July 2021

    3 July

    Close approach of Venus and M44

    M44 is open cluster. It is also known as Beehive cluster. The Venus and M44 will make a close approach towards each other. The distance between them is 22arcminute. Both the object will lie in the constellation Cancer. From Mumbai, this pair will become visible on western horizon approximately at 7:34 in the evening.

    6 July

    Mercury at highest altitude

    The planet mercury will be at its highest altitude in the morning sky. We all know, planet Mercury is very close to the sun. therefore, the chances of observation are very less.

    7 July

    Comet 15P/Finlay

    The comet 15P/Finlay expected to reach at its brightest. The comet brightness depends primarily on the amount of sunlight scattering through comet’s tail and coma. On July 7, the comet will be at distance of 1 AU from the sun and 1.4 AU from the earth. AU is astronomical unit i.e average distance between sun and earth. (1AU = 149,597,870.7 km). It will rise approximately at 2:30 am on 7th July.

    8 July

    Conjunction of moon and mercury

    Moon and mercury both will be in the constellation Taurus. Both objects will share same right ascension. From Mumbai, the pair will visible approximately at 4:40 am on eastern horizon. This conjunction will visible from 4:40 am until sunrise.

    13 July

    Conjunction of Venus and Mars

    Both the planets will be in the constellation Leo. Planets Venus and Mars will share same right ascension. The conjunction pair will be at angular separation of 28 degree from the sun. from Mumbai, the pair will visible at 7:36 pm, 20 degrees above on western horizon. Also, both the planets will make closer approach to each other, passing within 28.1 arc minutes of each other. Mars is at aphelion.

    18 July

    Pluto at opposition

    Pluto will lie opposite to the sun. Attending its highest point in the sky. At that time, it will be in constellation Sagittarius. From Mumbai, Pluto will rise at around 9:07 pm, altitude of 22 degrees above south eastern horizon. It will reach at its highest point in sky at around 12:47 am on southern horizon. 

    24 July

    Conjunction of moon and Saturn

    Capricornus is the constellation where we can look for this conjunction. Moon and Saturn will share same right ascension. The moon will be waning gibbous. Also, both the object will make closer approach to each other known as Appulse.

    28 July

    Piscis Austrind meteor shower

    Piscis Austrind meteor shower will reach at its peak on 28th of July. The radiant point of shower is in constellation Piscis Austrind. This shower will produce approximately 5 meteor per hour at its peak. From Mumbai, this shower will visible between 9:44 pm to 5:48 am. At around 3 am, the radiant point will reach highest in the sky, producing meteor at peak rate.

    30 July

    Southern ∂- Aquariid meteor shower

    The radiant point of this meteor is in the constellation Aquarius. This meteor will be active from 12 July to 23 August, and at its peak on 30th July.  The shower is expected to produce a 25 meter or per hour. From Mumbai, the shower is visible from around 9:07 pm to 5:52 am. The radiant point in the constellation Aquarius will reach at its highest point at 3:00 am. This is the time where meteor shower produces its best display.

    Alpha capricornid meteor shower

    This meteor shower will be active from 3 July to 15 August, and reach at its peak on 30th July. The radiant point will lie in the constellation Capricornus. Alpha capricornid meteor shower expected to produce 5 meteor per hour. From Mumbai, shower will produce its best display at around 1:00 am.

    Spread the stars !

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