1 Aug
Mercury at superior solar conjunction
Planet mercury will pass close to the sun. During this closest approach, mercury will appear at a separation of only 1 degree 41 minutes separation from the sun. in this solar conjunction, mercury will be lost in sun’s glare and unobservable for few weeks. Do not try to point your telescope or binoculars at an object close to sun, this may cause serious eye damage.
10 Aug
Conjunction of moon and mars
The moon and mars will share same right ascension. The both objects will lie in the constellation Leo. This conjunction will visible by naked eye. From Mumbai, the pair will become visible at around 7:25 PM, 10 degrees above on western horizon.
11 Aug
Conjunction of moon and Venus
The moon and Venus will share same right ascension. At a same time, both objects will make closer approach to each other. Both objects will lie in constellation Virgo. From Mumbai, the pair will become visible at 7:24 PM, 24 degrees above on western horizon.
12 Aug
Perseid meteor shower
The Perseid meteor shower will be active from 17 July to 24 August. It will be at its peak around 12 August. Perseid meteor shower’s radiant point lies in the constellation Perseus. At its peak, Perseid shower expected to produce 150 meteor per hour. From Mumbai, the radiant of shower will be appear 51 degrees above the horizon. The shower will peak close to the new moon so moon light will produce some interference.
18 Aug
K Cygnid meteor shower
k-cygnid shower will be active from 3 August to 25 August. It will reach at its peak on 18 August. The radiant point of shower is in the constellation Draco. At its peak, shower is expected to produce 3 meteor per hour. From Mumbai, the meteor will active throughout the night.
19 Aug
Conjunction of mercury and mars
Mercury and Mars will share same right ascension in the sky. Both objects will be seen in constellation Leo. From Mumbai, this conjunction is not visible.
20 Aug
Asteroid 43 ‘Ariadne’ at opposition.
Jupiter at opposition
Jupiter will lie opposite to the sun. it will reach its highest point in the sky. We can find Jupiter in the constellation Capricornus. From Mumbai, it is visible from 7:39 PM to 5:50 PM. Jupiter will reach its highest point in sky at 12:45 AM, 57 degrees above southern horizon.
Uranus enter retrograde motion
Retrograde motion is caused by earth’s own motion around the sun. Uranus stops his eastward motion in the constellation and start to move westward. From Mumbai, it will be visible in the dawn sky, rising at 1:09 AM till dawn breaks around 05:28 AM.
21 Aug
Conjunction of moon and Saturn
The Moon and Saturn will share same right ascension. Also, both objects will make closer approach to each other. This conjunction will visible in constellation Capricornus. From Mumbai, it is visible at around 7:19 PM 18 degrees above south eastern horizon.
22 Aug
Conjunction of moon and Jupiter
Both the object will share same right ascension in the constellation Capricornus. Also, they will make close approach to each other. From Mumbai, the conjunction will visible from 7:19 PM to 5:40 AM. On 7:19 it will visible 7 degrees above eastern horizon.