5 October
October camelopardalid meteor shower
The October camelopardalid meteor shower will be active from 5 October to 6 October. It will produce its peak rate on around 5 October. The radiant point of this meteor shower is in the constellation Draco. From Mumbai, the shower will active throughout the night.
8 October
Mars at solar conjunction
Planet Mars will make closest approach to the sun as it orbits carries it around the far side of the solar system from the earth. During the closest approach, the separation between Mars and Sun is only 0 Degree 39 Minute.
Draconid meteor shower
The draconid meteor shower will be active from 6 October to 10 October. It will produce its peak rate of meteors on around 8 October. The radiant point of this shower is in the constellation Draco. From Mumbai, the meteor shower will active after the sunset until around 00:59 AM.
10 October
Conjunction of moon and venus
On 10 October moon and Venus will share same right ascension. The moon will pass 2 degrees 51 Minute to the north of Venus. Both the object will lie in the constellation Scorpius. At the same time, both objects will make close approach to each other. From Mumbai, the pair become visible around 6:33 PM, 26 Degrees above south western horizon.
Southern Taurid meteor shower
The Southern Taurid meteor shower will be active from 10 September to 20 November. It will produce at its peak rate on around 10 October. The radiant point is in the constellation Cetus. During its peak rate, the shower is expected to produce 5 meteor per hour. From Mumbai, the shower is visible from 7:17 PM until dawn breaks.
11 October
Delta Aurigid meteor shower
This meteor shower will be active from 10 October to 18 October. 0n 11 October, it is expected to produce meteor at its peak rate. The radiant point is lies in the constellation Auriga. During its peak rate, it is expected to produce 2 meteor per hour. From Mumbai, the shower will visible from 9:35 PM until the dawn breaks.
14 October
Conjunction of moon and saturn
The moon and Saturn will share same right ascension in the sky. Also, they will make close approach to each other. The Moon will be passing 3 Degrees 56 Minutes to the south of the Saturn. Both the object lies in the constellation Capricornus. From Mumbai, the pair become visible from 6:30 PM, above south eastern horizon until around 00:37 Am.
15 October
Conjunction of moon and jupiter
Both the object will share same right ascension. The moon passing 4 degrees 08 minutes south to the Jupiter. At same time, both the object will make closest approach to each other. This conjunction will take place in the constellation Capricornus. From Mumbai, the conjunction become visible from around 6:30 PM, 42 degrees above the southern horizon. They observable until around 01:46 AM.
18 October
Eta Geminid meteor shower
The Eta geminid shower active from 14 October to 27 October, producing its peak rate of meteors on 18 October. The radiant point of eta geminid meteor shower lies in the constellation Gemini. During its peak hour, the shower is expected to produce 2 meteor per hour. From Mumbai, the shower will visible from around 10:57 PM until dawn breaks down at 6:12 AM
21 October
Orionid meteor shower
The radiant point of this meteor shower lies in the constellation Orion. The shower will be active from 2 October to 7 November, producing its peak rate on 21 October. The shower is expected to produce 15 meteor per hour at its peak. From Mumbai, the shower become visible from around 10:35 PM until dawn breaks down at 6:11 AM.