1 September
Aurigid Meteor shower
The Aurigid meteor shower will be active from 28th of august to 5th of September. It is expected to reach its peak rate on around 1st September. The radiant point of aurigid meteor shower is in constellation of Auriga. At its peak, shower is expected to produce 6 meteor per hour. From Mumbai, the shower is visible between 1:00 Am to 6:00 Am.
9 September
Conjunction of moon and mercury
On this day, moon and mercury will share same right ascension. This conjunction will take place in the constellation Virgo. The moon will be 1 day old passing 6 Degree 31 minute to the north of mercury. From Mumbai, the conjunction will visible from around 7:00 pm 13 Degree above the western horizon.
ε-Perseid meteor
ε-Perseid meteor shower will active from 5th of September to 21st of September. It will reach its peak on around 9th September. During its peak, ε-Perseid meteor shower expected to produce 6 meteors per hour. The radiant point of shower is in the constellation Perseus. From Mumbai, it is visible after its radiant point rises on the eastern horizon approximately around 9:30 pm.
10 September
Conjunction of moon and venus
In the constellation Virgo, both the object will share same right ascension. The moon will be 3 days old passing 4 Degree 4 minutes north to the Venus. At the same time, both objects will make closer approach with each other. From Mumbai, the pair will become visible from around 9:01 pm, 24 Degree above south western horizon.
17 September
Conjunction of moon and saturn
The moon and Saturn will share same right ascension in the night sky. The moon will be 10 days old. This conjunction will lie in the constellation Capricornus. The moon will pass 3 Degree 45 Minutes to the south of Saturn. At same time, both the objects will make a closer approach to each other. From Mumbai, the conjunction is visible from around 6:55 pm, 35 Degrees above south eastern horizon.
18 September
Conjunction of Moon and jupiter
On this day, Moon and Jupiter will share same right ascension. The moon will be 11 days old. The moon passing 3 Degrees 57 Minute to the south of Jupiter. This conjunction will be visible in the constellation Capricornus. From Mumbai, the pair will be visible from 6:54 pm, 25 Degrees above south eastern horizon. This conjunction is un-observable after 3:38 Am.
23 September
When the day and night is of equal length is termed as Equinox. At this time, the Sun crosses the celestial equator. The word Equinox derived from the Latin words ‘aequus’ means equal and ‘nox’ means night. On the day of the equinox, everywhere on the earth has 12 hours of day and night. For the people living in northern hemisphere, it is the first day of Autumn. For people living in southern hemisphere, it is the first day of spring.
24 September
Close approach of moon and uranus
The moon and Uranus will make closer approach to each other. Both objects will lie in the constellation Aries. The moon will be 17 days old. The both will be pass within 1 Degree 14 minutes to each other. The Moon will be at mag -12.4; and Uranus will be at mag 5.7.
27 September
Daytime sextantid meteor shower
This meteor shower will be active from 9 September to 9 October. It will be at its peak on 27th September. The meteor shower radiant point lies in the constellation Sextans. This shower will produce 5 meteor per hour. From Mumbai, this meteor shower will be visible after 4:22 am, when its radiant point rises above eastern horizon.